Find Us!
We are located at 2900 Camino Diablo, Suite 200 in Walnut Creek, CA 94597
To locate the office, add this address to your Contacts in your smart phone. This should bring you to the office park.
James E Gaydos DO
2900 Camino Diablo Ste 200
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
Telephone: (925) 464-2100 talk or text
Fax: (925) 464-2110
email: [email protected]
Office Directions:
I will email you my "Office Contact" prior to your first visit, so that you may use your GPS to locate the ExecuCenter at the address above.
There are two entrances from Camino Diablo into the ExecuCenter parking lot - a more 'top of the hill" and a more "bottom of the hill" entrance.
Take the more TOP OF THE HILL entrance and see the Building marked 2900, and three Redwood Trees as you pull into the parking lot, directly in front of you.
IF YOU STAND UNDER THE THREE REDWOOD TREES, the Mirrored Double Doors for our office are the closest doors to where you are standing. Building 2900, Suite 200. My Name is above our mailbox when you are at the front door.
Please see the pictures below.
Thank you for visiting our website. I look forward to seeing you in the office!
© James Edward Gaydos DO. All Rights Reserved.
Bay Area Wellness Building, 2900 Camino Diablo, Ste 200, Walnut Creek, CA 94597